House to the future

I’d been feeling rather melancholy for the past few weeks — nothing much happening other than work and the usual routine of board gaming and rock climbing. There was some softball practice with Greg’s softball team, and I got a few nice shots out of that.

David also hosted a bonfire at his house.

But today was special for a couple of reasons…

Today is Back to the Future day, where Marty and Doc go to the future (October 21, 2015) to help his son and set an entire series of events in motion. William hosted a movie night at his house where we watched the movie. I think the best part was the end where we were watching the credits and everyone, seemingly at once, spotted Elijah Wood’s name as some random kid character. So we return to the scene, and it is indeed him.

And secondly, we bought our house today! (Here’s me with our agent and a celebratory bottle of champagne.)

This weekend will be full of yardwork and house cleaning things, and it will be awesome. We need to get some electrical work done, but after that, it should be totally good to move in to. Looking forward to buying furniture and getting everything into place. :)