Food for thought

So I’m in the airport right now, waiting for my flight. Nervous as hell. At least my two exams today didn’t majorly suck… I think I did worse on the 80180 than I wanted, but I didn’t totally flunk.

I’ve been thinking about how the world would be different if humans had evolved without the ability to decieve/lie/kill/cheat/etc. For lack of a better term, what if Pandora’s Box had never been opened? How would society be different… and how much power would the first person who gained those abilities have over everyone else?
*kills someone*
“I didn’t do it!”
I mean, I realize that’s not something that could have happened (all species have that ability; it’s necessary for survival sometimes), but it’s still interesting to think about. I guess.
I mean, there would be no need for police or prisons. You’re sure to get a truthful answer to anything you ask. No deception, no need to have stringent security, no need for supervised examinations…
I wondering if that would make society more or less happy…
And I’m wondering if that would make us advance faster or slower…
I mean, is it the very need to be safe that leads us to innovate and research? If most of the badness in human nature is gone, will we still feel the need to advance, or will we be comfortable with the bare necessities and what we already have?

I am completely going to fail this interview and die and be sad.

Don’t know if the hotel will have internet, so don’t know when I’ll post again. If there’s internet, I’ll be sure to post pictars.

3 thoughts on “Food for thought

  1. It is natural to be nervous. You have plenty of reasons to be. 1. This is your first time in New York and by yourself. 2. It is your first major interview. 3. This interview means a lot to you.
    You will be all right in your interview. Take a deep breathe and be yourself!
    Good luck :)

  2. The previous comment was correct, you have every right to be nervous and anxious. But try to think in the positive way, a free trip all expenses paid to explore and enjoy the Big Apple regardless of the outcome of your interview. How many students get this kind of opportunity?
    When you are in NYC, don’t just stay in your room and worrying yourself to death, get out, explore, take pictures, ride the subway, eat hot dogs on the streets, see a play or two on Broadway, etc.
    You will be fine in your interview.

    Dad and mom

  3. You’re going to be fine – just relax.

    You’ll likely have internet in your hotel room, but as your parents noted, don’t stay in your room all the time. Work and chat can be done anytime.

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