Late Night Musings

It’s been a while since I’ve gone back and re-read old journal posts, but a phone conversation this evening inspired me to go back and look at old locked LiveJournal posts from the end of Freshman year.

In the process of doing so, I read back through all of the posts I’d made. And I’d made a heck of a lot of posts, mostly angsting, but sometimes about happy things. But the best part is that I can go back, read the posts, and remember my emotions and thoughts at that time. And while a lot of it is stuff that I would rather have forgotten about (like my terrible roommate experience the summer after my Sophomore year, or thoughts when I found out my dad had cancer, or my breakup), a lot of it is also super happy things, like anniversaries or the first inklings of a relationship. Those happy posts, in particular, are the most interesting to re-read (and those moments, to re-experience) now given I’m getting married in less than 4 months. (Holy crap!)

I angst less now. At least, I’d like to think so. Maybe this is a part of growing up and having more stability in life. Maybe I actually angst just as much but privately instead of in journal posts.

I don’t post nearly as much now as I used to. I don’t post in nearly as much (personal) detail now as I used to. In some ways, that’s sad, because I look back on some posts and I really can’t put myself back in my own shoes. But I pretty much also now only post publicly. Maybe I should start using LiveJournal again sporadically.

There really is no point to this entry. I haven’t done a musing-type entry in a while, so perhaps I was overdue.

I’m just thankful for all of my friends, even if sometimes I forget how awesome they are and how much they’ve been there for me in the past.

And congratulations again to you, mysterious caller. You know who you are, and you are awesome, and I’m glad we’re friends.