
Greg has been away this week for a conference, so I have been alone in the apartment for the past few days.
Kind of ironic then, given that he keeps telling me I need to get out more, that this has been one of the busiest weeks I’ve had in a long time.

Most people who know me know that I don’t handle being alone well (even if this normally entails nothing more than existing in the same apartment as someone else), so I’ve been seeking out things to do.

On Monday, I went to lunch with bblum, and played some ITG after work. I managed to do extremely well on the marathon Driven, where I managed a full excellent combo almost all of the way through Energizer, and managed a full great combo up until the horrible part of Monolith. Not my highest score ever (screwed up a lot of Monolith :P), but still awesome.

Tuesday was board games at Patrick’s. Played lots of Malta! (which has been extremely well-received by everyone that has played it), some Wits and Wagers, and a new game called Crows (which I like a lot and will have to look into getting). The night ended (at like 12:30!) with some Hoopla, but limited to drawing. This resulted in such “obvious” things as these: (Answers as to what the things are are here.)

(I somehow missed getting a picture of the “Drag Queen” clue, which was a stick figure in a dress with a large…. bulge… drawn in the crotch area. No one understood what it was supposed to be. :P)

Last night was Inception in Schenley Park. Went with Keith, and was absorbed by the KGB group already there. The movie itself was excellent… I highly recommend it if you haven’t seen it yet.

Lunch yesterday was the garlic eggplant with shrimp from Orient Express. I think I’ve found a new favorite thing there… it’s spicy, it’s got eggplant, it’s got shrimp, and it’s got wood ear mushrooms in it. What’s not to love? :D

Tonight will be dinner and a movie at the Loft (tasty burgers, theoretically).

Yay for doing things and being social.


Well that was a crappy way to end an awesome few days.
Carnival was awesome, but more due to people than the actual Carnival proceedings. Watched lots of Buggy and Mobot (new records in both, an amazing 2:04:35 and 0:00:51 respectively), played ITG until my legs hurt and I had trouble walking up and down stairs, saw lots of people, dyed Zach’s hair, explored booths, had some funnel cake, played lots of board games, went to halfprice, shot portraits, had our (belated) first anniversary dinner, took almost 9 GB of photos, and generally had an amazing time.
Then last night the weather was crap. I was already feeling pretty unhappy to be leaving the next morning and then we had to walk back with two rather large bags in the pouring rain. Also, someone stole Greg’s umbrella from in the hallway, which is terrible. I also managed to break my glasses (not unfixably, but still…) and I didn’t get to see everyone I wanted to (had to bail on Owen because I was feeling so shitty… apologies; also didn’t see Ben at all). Meh. Now I’m sitting in the airport not wanting to leave.

Photos will be posted in Photos and Portraits later tonight once I get back.

Edit: Photos posted. Also, Zeke, it was 9 GB of JPEGs :) Yay photography!


The weekend summarized in snapshots.
(Lots of photos!)

After all that was halfprice tastiness at Fuel (they have awesome mixed drinks there!). Today was flight home. My plane arrived 50 minutes early into Las Vegas, turning a 2 hour layover into a 3 hour layover… but besides that, the trip was uneventful. Final tally of of airline abuse to the ceramics and glass I packed to bring back here: two of eight glasses broken and one of six small ceramic plates broken. Everything else survived, amazingly (including the giant Costco bottles of shampoo, conditioner, and soap as well as all the dinner plates, all the bowls, and all the silverware and knives). Huzzah.

Best weekend in a long time. Thanks again to teh Ben and Jon for picking me up at the airport.

I might eventually sort through the photos again and post some of the more portrait-like ones in portraits and/or a reselection of photos from the weekend in photos2. Would anyone be potentially intested in this? I think I’m just feeling photo deprived (besides the beach trip with brewer and dkb, this is the first serious use my camera has gotten since leaving CMU).

Tomorrow is work. Blah.


Woke up today feeling kinda sick, so I went back to bed rather than going to work. Felt quite a bit better in the afternoon, so I got some work done. Did pen-based computing (yay). Looked at OS P4 a bit (yay). Played ITG with Andres (whom I hadn’t seen since before summer) and it was awesome. Shot some portraits of Zach, because Zach is awesome and posed for me, and generally satisfied my portraiture urges.

So yeah… tons of photos: