We played another successful “reverse” game recently, so I want to document them in one place.
Sushi No (Sushi Go)
Play normally. Goal is to have the lowest score at the end of the game.
7 Blunders (7 Wonders)
Play normally, except you cannot sell a card unless you can build no card in the hand. You must build in the cheapest possible way after selecting a card (chaining if possible, own resources or optimal conversion/production, minimal payment to a neighbor). Goal is to have the lowest score at the end of the game.
New York Spite (New York Slice)
Play normally. No section may be empty (no slices/specials). Goal is to have the lowest score at the end of the game.
Between Two Shitties (AKA Beneath Two Cities) (Between Two Cities)
Play normally. Your score is the higher of your two cities. Goal is to have the lowest score at the end of the game.
Carcass-none (Carcassonne)
Play normally. Each tile you play must have a meeple placed on it if possible. Goal is to have the lowest score at the end of the game.
Annul (Azul)
Play normally, except you cannot select a set of tiles where you can play none of them unless you cannot legally play any available set of tiles. Once selected, you must select a row for the tiles such that as many of the selected tiles play as possible (choice between ties if applicable). Goal is to have the lowest score at the end of the game. (Negative scores are allowed.)
Games we haven’t tried but want to:
6 No-mmit (6 Nimmit) – Normal play? Goal is highest score.
Yes Please (No Thanks) – Would need some tweak so you don’t just take almost every card that comes up to you. Goal is highest score.
Also Aldi’s has cute things and I want to buy all the stuffed things there.